Military Secrets - Did the Pentagon spend $22 million investigating UFOs? The Aviation Threat Recognition Project was created by the US Department of Defense to investigate UFOs and is the successor to Project Blue Book. In the 1960s and 1970s, there were so many UFO sightings that the US government created a secret task force to investigate them. Although the project is closed, many do not believe the agency's claims and believe that the project is still operating in secret. And as long as there is a long history of high-level government secrecy, there must be a very vicious conspiracy. theories at any time.

For the most part, you can ignore or deny the news, but the Pentagon has released some pretty crazy reports recently. It is possible that they are. The Department of Defense does investigate some UFO incidents, but the task force found no "clear indication" that they were from aliens.

Military Secrets

Military Secrets

Over 50% of secret military projects over the years have been large aircraft with impressive capabilities. As the threat of nuclear war with the Soviet Union grew, the United States focused on developing new methods of monitoring potential threats. The most important defense projects include the design of aircraft that are faster than enemy missiles and radar systems. Perhaps the most famous of these is the SR-71 Blackbird reconnaissance aircraft, which can stay in the air for more than 12 hours. At the height of the Cold War, the US military tried to find a way to use the Blackbird to spy on the Soviet Union. This project is called the "Falcon Project" and is another crazy project involving nuclear power, including a nuclear-powered drone that is said to be able to stay in the air for 30 days.

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The aircraft was originally designed for low-altitude loitering and reconnaissance units on the battlefield, but over time that capability changed to include features such as wings and a beak. Nuclear power is the only energy expected to expand the scope of the program. The CIA hopes that nuclear propulsion systems can better optimize and control power. Studying radioisotopes is difficult because they decay. If the resulting heat can be reused, energy can be produced more efficiently. "Falcon" was born from the combination of reconnaissance aircraft and reconnaissance aircraft. Its most unique features include an extendable boat-shaped nose and a detachable camera tail. "Falcon Project" is basically a "bird drone" that can carry out a nuclear flight.

As recently as 2000, Iran was known to have acquired a fleet of military-trained dolphins from Russia, and the dolphins were said to have traveled the Persian Gulf for years. In addition to worrying about Iran's nuclear capabilities, military leaders around the world are also paying close attention to Iran's naval forces. At the turn of this century, as many countries worked hard to develop nuclear weapons, military intelligence agencies noticed speculation that Iran was building an underwater team of weaponized dolphins. Yes, you heard that right. So where did the Iranian navy get the dolphins, where are they now?

As for the military purposes of dolphins, during the Cold War the Soviet Union trained dolphins to counter US use of marine mammals. These dolphins were acquired for government use, but the civilian population was strongly opposed to captive dolphins. The Iranian navy has trained dolphins to detect sea mines and use tridents, poison darts and explosives to attack their enemies. These dolphins are equipped with cameras that will allow the military to survey the area after being attacked. This might be out of the question, but military dolphins throwing poison darts and tridents isn't too fantastic, considering that dolphins are very intelligent.

In the 1970s, the CIA decided to recover parts of the Soviet K-129 nuclear submarine that had sunk in the Pacific Ocean, codenamed Project Azores. The CIA has secret dual-purpose submarines disguised as mining ships that are used to conduct military operations. In 1969, a group of people claiming to be from a marine mining organization showed up at a conference and asked to speak to Curtis Crook, a senior engineer at Universal Marine. Three of them approached Crook and asked him to tell them about a top secret project they were working on. Crook has deep sea drilling experience, which is exactly what these three are looking for.

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In the 1960s, both the United States and the Soviet Union had nuclear submarines patrolling the high seas. The Soviet ballistic missile submarine K-129 has disappeared in the Pacific Ocean. The submarine was equipped with nuclear missiles that could threaten American cities. Later, with the help of Dr. Crook's expertise, the CIA built a deep-sea recovery vessel to retrieve an abandoned Soviet submarine from the seabed. Some modern historians believe that the ship was struck by lightning, and the Russians also suspected that the explosion was an enemy torpedo attack.

The Stargate Project is a $20 million US government-funded project dedicated to the study of psychic phenomena such as remote viewing. The study of psychic phenomena is primarily intended to test the existence of sensory perception and to determine whether this ability is useful for military intelligence. Some claimed that this military project was initiated by a Major General named Albert Stubbin and carried out by Lieutenant Frederick Holmes Atwater, who was nicknamed the "Psychic Bounty Hunter". school supervision. The US government funds Stargate research, hiring clairvoyants and psychics to try to detect enemies thousands of miles away through their remote sensing capabilities. I did some research and found the scientific community is very skeptical of the supernatural. The reaction of those scientists is that they are very interested in the supernatural.

During World War II, D-Day was the largest military operation in human history. However, the fact remained that the Allied preparations for the Normandy landings described an imaginary way to break through German resistance. The Pangasm is a giant wooden rocket cart loaded with dozens of explosives. British forces tried to use it to destroy a coastal defense bunker on a beach in Normandy, northern France.

Military Secrets

Its design is very simple, it can roll down the beach at lightning speed and explode. It is said to be a weapon that can be launched from a ship and move as fast as a tank. For example, in one test, a missile veered 40 miles off course and nearly killed a dog. This is one of the craziest stories of World War II. Even by today's standards, building this project would be a significant engineering feat. In late 1943, several departments prototyped the Pangasm in London.

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Most people believe that nuclear power will rule the 20th century as the nuclear arms race heats up. There were many secret projects in the 1950s, but Cold War tensions drove much of the development of nuclear power. Most people worry about nuclear weapons, but the famous car manufacturer Chrysler is joking with this half-life nuclear-powered tank... and this is the nuclear tank development plan, codenamed "TV8".

For obvious reasons, the US military tried to keep the new research secret. The peculiarity of the TV-8 tank is the design of the tower, which is much larger than the hull itself. It's weird to see a tank that has a few special features and a turret that tells you what's inside. One of the most amazing things is its very light weight of only 25 tons. But perhaps the strangest thing is that the reactor is hidden inside the tower. In addition to the obvious failed experiment, some weapons experts believe that designing a tank in a vacuum may not be a good idea if the tank is hit.

Most people have never heard of a secret military project called Aurora, but the truth is that this project is stranger than you might imagine. The Avrocar was originally a secret military aircraft project, but the idea was not well received. Although it is easy to deny this statement, there are many reasons to believe that the United States has hidden the existence of UFOs from the public for many years. When most people think of what a secret military project looks like, they think of something like this... Flying saucers were invented after World War II, so this is a theoretical example.

The idea of ​​flying saucers has long captured the imagination of science fiction fans, but the concept is difficult for actual military engineers to put into practice. this plane

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